Goddess of Wanton Love

Disclaimer: These are not the days of my life. Come hither. Look closer. You may find yourself in here. The Goddess welcomes you to her temple.

Sunday, May 21

Not for the Faint of Heart

The mind works in mysterious ways. I don’t know the way yours works, and you don’t have to know mine. There’s no way you’ll know mine. That’s ok. That’s what words are for. For bridging the gap between your thoughts and mine. Your thoughts have their own pattern. So do mine. I don’t ask anyone to decipher the pattern. I have a truly difficult and complicated one. My mind can flit from one topic to another, seemingly unrelated, but I can find, even develop patterns between those wisps of thought. I suspect most women can do that. And when they put it to words, they are accused of babbling. Because they touch a topic briefly, are reminded of yet another matter which in some inexplicable way, relates to the first, and take off on that. So the logic is not straight, but it’s present. So what if Mr-I-Look-Straight-Ahead can’t figure it out? My male friends have pointed out I blabber nonstop, although of all of them enjoy it. In fact, they actually ask me if I’m unwell, if I haven’t talked for ten straight minutes. Male critics of my writing have told me rather unkindly, that I lose thread of what I’m trying to say. Yeah. I do. Bite me. I also come back to the origins, and I have fun all along the way. Dude, if you smart enough to catch on, stay. If it’s too much, please run another way. At the end of it, I’m pretty sure I have made the receiver of the communication understand exactly what I was trying to say. Whether I had to talk too much to explore all my thoughts to come up with the exact topic, or whether someone had to ask repeated questions to figure it all out is immaterial. I have poetic license. Plus I have the license of femininity.

If you are male, and you got the above paragraph and agree with it, please tell your girlfriend/wife/lover, that she is lucky to have you. If you don’t agree with it, try and accept it anyway. You will be richly rewarded, I promise you.

If you are female, you know what I’m talking about anyway.

If you are either, and you haven’t understood, why the fuck are you still reading? Not reading this, but reading at all?


Anonymous Anonymous offered...

I agree with the goddess here......i think she is articulate in expressing her views and god (or may be the goddess only) knows who thinks she lose the track in between

7:10 PM  

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