A Readymade Friend
When he started growing up, that was the worst phase of our relationship. He always talked back, and I never got used to not being fawned upon anymore (he did it a lot more than my parents). At times it was pretty evident he hated me. He refused to do anything that was asked of him. He refused to listen to reason. We’d go for months not talking to each other. Until one day I realized that I had felt the exact same thing from fourteen to seventeen. But too late, I was away at college. We hardly spoke.
Now that I’m back, he is a strapping young lad who refuses to let me out alone after 9. I’m some eight inches shorter than him now, and he crosses the roads with an unshakable grip on my wrist. He arranges for his friends to give me extra driving lessons. Tonight he and his friend came to pick me up from work, and then we drove around, (OK I drove hehe), each moment the realization seeping into me that these are two young men, with whom I now relate on a totally different level. Now I’m not annoying older sis who’s gonna rat on them. Now I’m cool young woman, and they have this strange sense of pride in being able to hang out with me and connect with me on the same level. It’s like the relationship was itself a fledgling, which has grown the way we have. I think smart-ass kid brother was actually showing me off tonight. Finally, something warming my heart after a totally horrid day.
Thank god for smart-ass kid brother. Growing up as a single kid would have been damn lonely. And I’d never have had a readymade friend when I came back home.
really like the way you write...totally realte to this one... :-) and manymore which talk about women..
thanks...i guess even one single person relating to my rantings makes it all feel worth it!
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