Goddess of Wanton Love

Disclaimer: These are not the days of my life. Come hither. Look closer. You may find yourself in here. The Goddess welcomes you to her temple.

Monday, May 1

Reinventing the Goddess

Sex sells. And boy does it sell. You attach sex to anything and it WILL sell. People will watch it. People will read it. I had so many people complain to me that there was way too much sex in my first two posts. Yes, complaints. Stuff like:

‘'My god, do you ever think of anything else?’'

‘'Dude, it’s reeking of sex!’'

‘'The very name suggests a slut!’'

‘'Someone no mortal man can satisfy ;-) ????’'

It got me thinking. Maybe I was being too out-there. Maybe the whole idea of lust being sacred was too in-your-face. As I had promised, not all my subsequent posts were about sex. They started getting a bit more serious, somewhat slice-of-life. The minute it hit something concrete, something solid, something that real people actually care about (virtual people do not), people started complaining again!

‘'I thought u write well. What happened?’'

‘'I didn’t like your last two posts man. What happened?’'

‘'Why the hell you getting so serious on life man? Mutual funds and all? What happened?’'

What we see here is a clear case of brand dilution. The goddess must not waver from the topic at hand. She cannot be everything to everyone.
What the goddess wanted to prove, was that sex is not the only thing on her mind. She is of varied tastes and interests. And she definitely has a life out of the bedroom.
Will be keenly awaiting reactions on next post. It should be ‘mind-BLOWING’!


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