Goddess of Wanton Love

Disclaimer: These are not the days of my life. Come hither. Look closer. You may find yourself in here. The Goddess welcomes you to her temple.

Wednesday, May 10

Love Beckons the Goddess

I’m floating on air. Literally. I’m not walking on the ground anymore.
The past few days have brought enough to my plate, most of it meant to be good, but turning out disastrously unfortunate.

Had read The Mistress of Spices, and loved it, but chose to watch it as well, Aishwarya’s pseud accent and all. Decided that Miss Rai sucks. Her accent sucks worse.

Went through a ton of individual birthdays squeezed into three days. A lot of expenses :-(

Bought a shining new car. Banged it twice in two days.

A could-be devotee called. Goddess was fast asleep and gently snoring. It was but 2 a.m.

Got smart-ass kid brother out of my hair, and got him a part-time job. Turned out that the timings are so that I will have to drag myself from my snug environs to let him in at 4 in the morning.

But tonight, all of this will get canceled. The goddess is off to find her prince. (I coulda said God, but how cheesy would that be lol). Underground for a week, I’d predict. Don’t wait up…


Blogger that girl in pink offered...

hey! where are you off to? you have to keep checking back to tell us how the hunt for the prince is unfolding.

2:56 PM  
Blogger Unknown offered...

lots of expenses due to birthdays...where is my gift.....

and before leaving (for hyd..i presume)..ek call to kar diya hota...

6:02 PM  

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