Goddess of Wanton Love

Disclaimer: These are not the days of my life. Come hither. Look closer. You may find yourself in here. The Goddess welcomes you to her temple.

Thursday, December 21

Randomness, A Bit

Random observations over a really rainy weekend:

Men are way more vague than women. There are more interpretations to a man’s words than a woman’s. Mostly because they use so few.

If the phone plays music when it’s on hold, the office seems much larger than it is. It may be a three-strong firm, if they play music while transferring calls, it will seem like thirty.

There is no pleasure in home-made golgappas. It is the quintessential street food which must be filthy to be tasty.

Opinionated people think they are the smartest. As one opinionated friend of mine put it, ‘We are of the opinion that we are smart.’ If only someone could correct them.

The names of best friends get clubbed together in conversations, the way even couples’ names cannot be clubbed. Paris-Nicole, Munna-Circuit, Leena-Tanvi, Naina-Ruchika, Adi-Sarang. What I could never figure out is why one comes before the other. Is it the more famous one, or the more dominating one, or is it simply because it sounds nicer that way?

I feel the hungriest when I cook.

It’s a rare, rare situation to actually like your boss.

Rainy days are too gloomy.

I am bored.


Blogger Already Disturbed offered...

loved the last one...so profound

7:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown offered...

whom does my name get clubbed with :-)

5:46 PM  
Blogger Achtlandia offered...

@ already disturbed,

ty :-)

@ nishith,


5:51 PM  

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