Goddess of Wanton Love

Disclaimer: These are not the days of my life. Come hither. Look closer. You may find yourself in here. The Goddess welcomes you to her temple.

Saturday, April 28

Writer’s Blog

Apparently, all this time that I haven’t had a single inspiring thought, and have been cursing myself about how incompetent and unimaginative I have become, there was another soul that I know of who was going through a similar dry spell. And maybe so many others that I don’t know of. And while we were ‘unassuming’ enough to call it a ‘drying up of thoughts’, according to the comments, it is more commonly known as writer’s block.

Only, it seems even more pretentious calling it that than calling myself Goddess. I can be Goddess, but Writer is way too exalted. Those are people who have printed words attributed to their name, words that many others read, relate to and remember. Bloggers are mere mortals, not writers. Bloggers are generally opinionated fools (there you go, I’m one), mostly churning out ‘Dear Diary’ posts. Of course, there are the more worthy amongst us who keep up with news and trends and current affairs, but again, that is reporting. Many of the pages I frequent, most of whom are solid writers, whether published or otherwise, are transitioning to travel phases in their lives. So their posts are now limited to photos of their sojourns and a descriptive line or two. Not much writing. Some are outraged by the unending coverage of Gere-Shetty and Ash-Abhi. Some are exploring the joys of wine and fine dining. And some are sharing recipes.

Then there are the timid – who are actually extremely talented writers, but don’t write anywhere but their own notepads, occasionally sending a few lines on group mails to people they know – because they don’t think they write stuff important enough for people to read. Personally, that is a loss to blogosphere. Because these guys are writing direct dil se. And that's what is so beautiful about this (blog) world. There is always someone, somewhere, who will read what you wrote and think, wow, that happened to me! Where are the people who are writing this?

"some words can put you to a nice calm...while some could really make you uncomfortable...the only thing that inspires me to write is when I feel love all around me...and when I have that feeling...I see a story in everything...in every person... in every moment...in every mistake we have made...in every evening that we have spent with ourselves...in every breath we have taken...in every person we have known...in every heartbreak we have had...in everything that has touched us...the space around you is packed with ideas, stories and writing...you can't escape it...it will get you...sooner or later..."

- dedicated to a dear, dear friend who doesn't blog


Blogger that girl in pink offered...

he he. true true. you know i agree with you, one hundred per cent.

but listen, i do have a suggestion for you. i think you can include yourself in the "writers" category. you've earned it.

4:58 PM  
Blogger Already Disturbed offered...

I read through some of your blogger/writer friends' posts. That girl on pink gets hundreds of comments...me jealous, very jealous.

Some people can write though, they are natural storytellers. They can weave entire scripts out of conversations, intertwine insights into observations and make you relate. They are lovely and rare people and mostly not in the right job.

Your friends' have that gift...and it really makes great reading. There are some gems in these posts (and a few comments) which make the envy worthwhile.

Aaand nands, opinions are what anybody writes about, from goethe to the goddess. You write your life and hope someone lives some moments in them.

3:39 PM  
Blogger GinSoakedBoy offered...

very strong stuff there..! interesting.

12:26 PM  
Blogger Achtlandia offered...

@ pink,



u read MY offerings, and comment in MY temple, but abt my DEVOTEES??????????
but ur right, they r gifted.


Welcome to the Temple!

12:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous offered...

Hello. And Bye.

3:15 PM  

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